Collection of places around the world. All the photographs are taken with film cameras, mostly using Kodak Colorplus 200, Kodak Gold 200 or Illford HP5+ 400.
The cameras: Olympus mju, Olympus om10, Rollei xf35

Photos of people as well as photos of instruments for the business purpose. Edited in Lightroom.
The cameras: Sony alfa, Canon EOS

Collection of different people on different occasions. All the photographs are taken with film cameras, mostly using Kodak Colorplus 200, Kodak Gold 200 or Illford HP5+ 400.
The cameras: Olympus mju, Olympus om10, Rollei xf35

The Brief:
The design challenge was to develop, prototype and brand a bread solution that is targeted a specified consumer need or trend. The group came up with the idea of creating a ready-to-use box containing all the ingredients necessary to bake sourdough bread at home. The target group were people who use Social Media on a daily basis and value aesthetic. Moreover, those people like to cook at home and they have never tried, or tried but failed to bake sourdough bread in the past. Additionally, the app was created in order to facilitate the customers the process of ordering and preparing bread. In the app, people can order the box, customize every order, search for the recipes with bread and find the tips about baking sourdough bread.
The project was made in collaboration with KU Master student in Integrated Food Studies. The storyline aimed to capture the slow and meditative process of bread-making. The music choice picks up with taking out the bread from the oven to higlight the cripsiness of the product. The close-up shots aimed to put the bread and the spread in the spotlight. Additionially, a homely setting was added to enable to viewer to feel the atmosphere of Sourdough Station. Lastly, the text was added in order to showcase the steps in the app.
Programs/devices used: Premiere Pro, After Effects, Media Encoder, Canon EOS and iPhone 8 Plus